Trujillo Airport Beach Suites i Trujillo

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HondurasTrujillo Airport Beach Suites


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Hangar #1, Aeropuerto, Jerico Trujillo Colon HN, Trujillo 32101, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 9928-2095
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Latitude: 15.9254372, Longitude: -85.9418862

kommentar 5

  • LiLi Nunez

    LiLi Nunez


    Great place to stay very centric and frontbeach view, nice complete Rooms. Beach is beautiful here and they have tours for tourists to visit coral reefs and Lagoons nearby etc.

  • Juan Guifarro

    Juan Guifarro


    Problemas con energía eléctrica ,agua potable . El personal trata de resolver . Pero son muuchos pequeños problemas.

  • Josue Mejia

    Josue Mejia


    Buen lugar para descansar. La playa enfrente.

  • Tommy Etheredge

    Tommy Etheredge


    My boss and I, as well as his son and x wife were flying around Honduras and had just flown in from offshore after overflying Roatan. I was flying my boss in his jump plane which he was leasing out to the Skydive boogie in Tela that weekend. We landed in Trujillo expecting to go to the hotel, but a Canadian named Patrick approached us shortly after landing. Turns out he had 2 rooms available as well as hangar space, and a restaurant! We couldn't be happier with the all in one package, and it is like a secret getaway for pilots. I hope if I own my own plane that someday I can come back, it was definitely an experience!

  • P. Jesson Collins

    P. Jesson Collins



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