Tranquility Bay Beach Retreat i Departamento de Colón

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HondurasTranquility Bay Beach Retreat


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3 miles on the road to Santa Fe Trujillo Colon HN, 32101, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 9928-2095
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.9050787, Longitude: -85.9878638

kommentar 5

  • LiLi Nunez

    LiLi Nunez


    A great place to stay, the personal is very nice beautiful, friendly persons, place is really clean, parking área, the best fresh sea food, the beach is stunning, accesible and near downtown, WiFi and Pet friendly, family place as well and great place for kids. I did Love it 100% recomend it.

  • Miklos Robkis

    Miklos Robkis


    Gorgeous resort! Had a great time.

  • Iris Payne

    Iris Payne


    Great hosts. Beautiful resort with an awesome beach. Wonderful place to relax or enjoy water activities. Larry also offers flights to multiple destinations. Food was also the best. Can't go wrong staying here.

  • 黃榆媗



    Here sucks! If you want to stay in a clean room, better you stay more than 2 night. Otherwise, they offered you a room leaking water. We booked a room with 5 beds, but they only gave us 2 breakfast free. It doesn’t make sense at all. Not recommended! Acá no es recomendable! 請不要來這裡住,路又陡又遠,服務也不好

  • Mike Lobo

    Mike Lobo


    Good place ... It's about 30 minutes out of town ... And the road to the resort it a adventure in its self. Nice place nice beach.. nice ppl. Food could of been better.

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