Tranquility Bay Beach Retreat i Trujillo

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HondurasTranquility Bay Beach Retreat



🕗 åbningstider

Colon, Trujillo, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 9928-2095
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 15.9051064, Longitude: -85.9879075

kommentar 5

  • LiLi Nunez

    LiLi Nunez


    Best place to stay, friendly personal, the restaurant has great food, the cabins are cozy, is pet friendly, family place, beautiful Nature surrounds, accesible, near downtown, WiFi, parking, animal friendly💗, the best beach in all Trujillo!!! I'm in love of Tranquility Bay.

  • Edmundo Pazzetti

    Edmundo Pazzetti


    This is a must place to visit. Clear waters, calm ocean and the best hospitality this side of the beach. This getaway is located at 10 minutes from Trujillo with lots of activities that includes: padleboard, kayaking, horseback riding and trips to snorkel. Scuba and fishing. Food is great, even when traveling with kids. Rooms are confortable with A/C, smart TV, hot water and a small kitchen.

  • C Smith

    C Smith


    Deeply satisfying and refreshing stay. We stayed two nights spanning a week-long mission to a nearby community. The hosts, Larry and Linda, were outstanding for their hospitality and congeniality. We had arrived on Tranquility Air via Roatan; captain Patrick piloted us across the crystalline waters with a perfect touchdown and arrival in their hangar. We arrived via the hotel land cruiser expertly driven by Linda, who explained the unique area, peoples, and wonders of the region. The arrival is unique with their animal rescue and pet welcoming committee, and the beautifully landscaped grounds, decorated with ancient Mayan stone carvings. The room was clean, everything worked, and we decided to just use the fan as we were going to be in the tropics for 10 days. The small restaurant served excellent food by friendly staff, and a great selection of local and international beverages. We thoroughly enjoyed the relaxed pace and hospitality of owners and staff. We will be coming back as soon as we can!

  • Luigi



    Amazing place , very Tranqui and peaceful is perfect for groups .

  • Fidel Andrés

    Fidel Andrés


    Great place with a beautiful view and great people. Everybody's kind and helpful. Cabins are beautiful and comfy

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