Ixbalanque Spanish School i Copan Ruinas

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HondurasIxbalanque Spanish School



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Avenida Los Jaguares, Copan Ruinas, Copn Ruinas, HN Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2651-4432
internet side: www.ixbalanquespanish.com
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Latitude: 14.8381363, Longitude: -89.1584276

kommentar 5

  • Dilip



    Best place to learn Spanish in Honduras. Excellent tutors with great hospitality. Highly Recommended.

  • Sarah Potts

    Sarah Potts


    I cannot recommend Ixbalanque Spanish School enough. My friend and I started our trip attending this school, and regretted only booking 1 week. We wish we could have stayed longer as it was a great experience. Kathy has done an amazing job running this school and organizing it. Copan is such a quaint, historic town with plenty of activities to do. You can go to the ruins, horseback riding, walk through the markets, and hike. We felt very safe in the town and it was very easy to get around. The days at the school were well organized, and I felt as though my Spanish improved quite a bit. I really enjoyed having a 1:1 class that was catered to my Spanish level. Kathy and the other teachers would take us out every so often to explore Copan and practice our Spanish in the community. We were able to take a trip outside of the town to a local restaurant, which prepared a homemade meal and had a lot of gardens and vegetation to explore. Overall, it was a wonderful experience. Living with a host family was educational and challenged me to use my Spanish. They were very generous, and the food was delicious. We even got to learn how to make tortillas and plantains! We had our own space to relax in the house and have to ourselves, but also could easily socialize with the family and of course, stay caught up on the telenovelas. I felt completely immersed in the culture and language in Copan and at the school. Highly recommend to anyone!

  • Claire Cates

    Claire Cates


    Had an amazing experience with Ixbalanque Spanish School! The school and teachers are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. Copan Ruinas is a beautiful town with so many cool things to do and visit. I absolutely loved my homestay experience as well! Very much recommend.

  • Scott Dropinski

    Scott Dropinski


    I can not say enough good things about Ixbalanque! Kathy and Amadea are the owners and they are amazing and incredibly qualified to run a great Spanish school. Ruinas de Copan is great, safe and local! You won't run into many english speakers which makes learning Spanish here a dream. I have been to multiple Spanish schools and this is the best one ANYWHERE!!! You will feel like family and learn so much for a great price!

  • Kim A.

    Kim A.


    I have just completed two wonderful weeks of Spanish School at Ixbalanque, this being my second visit to Copan and Ixbalanque. I got out of the school exactly what I wanted, after my first two weeks I had some basic understanding of grammar and how to have a basic conversation. I am amazed how much more I was able to learn this time. Its because of the wonderful instruction I received. Copan is a beautiful, quiet and safe town where practicing with the locals is possible. The school also sets up students with great home stays close to the school. I can't wait to return.

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