Guacamaya Spanish School i Copán Ruinas

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HondurasGuacamaya Spanish School



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2, Avenida Centroamericano, Copán Ruinas, Copn Ruinas, HN Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 8808-5802
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 14.8445729, Longitude: -89.1565498

kommentar 5

  • Karla Garza

    Karla Garza


  • Mariam Elkak

    Mariam Elkak


    My students and I had the chance to live a cultural immersion in Copán Ruinas, Honduras. For three weeks, we did cooperation work, lived with Honduran families, discovered the region and learned Spanish. We had a busy schedule and it was masterfully run by Enrique, the director of the Guacamaya Language School. It was a real joy to live in Copán Ruinas! The tourists are warmly welcomed in this city. All the people you meet greet you and as the majority of trips are on foot, you feel immersed in the daily life of the "Copanecos". The city is very safe. We felt no tension and did not experience any incidents. I suggest you choose Copán with confidence. To my surprise, there were many activities available in the area. We did, of course, visit the mythical Mayan site of Copán, a must! In addition, we traveled the surrounding mountains on horseback; we relaxed in natural springs; we discovered the exotic birds of the region including the magnificent macaw and we had the opportunity to learn more about the production of coffee and cocoa by visiting various plantations. Let's not forget our cooperation work! Under the benevolent supervision of Enrique and in the company of the men of the Mayan community of Rincón del Buey, we worked on the construction of a concrete slab for a primary school. Being there, we also had the chance to work with the kids during classes. Finally, we helped a women's cooperative in Sesesmil prepare coffee plants. By living with families and working in a variety of contexts, students were able to practice Spanish and improve their vocabulary while living a unique cultural experience. Spanish classes take place in a paradise garden. How not to mention the mango trees that fed the students during their lessons? It is a place for learning in an exotic context for Canadian students. All the teachers show great professionalism, a deep desire for sharing and a contagious good mood. Our teachers have all become friends. Lastly, how can I not mention the invaluable support that Enrique offers to group leaders. For me, he was a friend, a counselor and even a dad depending on the circumstances. It's fabulous to have access to an expert from the region and his contacts at all times. With Enrique, and the great Guacamaya team, anything is possible! His unshakable calm, infectious smile, generosity, availability, sense of humor and impeccable organization put you in the best of hands. I hope you will have the chance to live this experience one day. Mariam Quebec City, Canada

  • Angelo Galasso

    Angelo Galasso


    They are patient with me encouraging to me to learn more Spanish and give up my Spanglish!! My teachers are awesome! I highly recommend Guacamaya!!

  • Sem Brignoli

    Sem Brignoli


  • Luna Jaguar

    Luna Jaguar


    The Best place to learn spanish in Copan Ruins.

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