Hope Café i Siguatepeque

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HondurasHope Café



🕗 åbningstider

Siguatepeque, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 3175-6911
internet side: www.hopecoffee.org
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Latitude: 14.6011485, Longitude: -87.8313572

kommentar 5

  • sami ferr

    sami ferr


    Nice place

  • Lorena Z

    Lorena Z


    Well here I go again filling you in. The Christmas decor really aided in my 5 star rating plus the service. The feeling coming in is a homey one, like a dejavu if you will (I am not selling out or getting anything from this). Just thought of putting that out there. The barista is really attentive and greets you with a smile. The product: I had a cappuccino and the coffee foam ratio was ideal... Enough coffee and enough foam. The coffee slushy however... Ugh! Not enough slush! The taste is really good it has a lot of coffee flavor in it but you don't get it that icey or a full cup. The cookies are really good! I just bit one to be honest here!! They're really good it's homemade taste of vanilla cookies and the frosting doesn't have a too sweet aftertaste or artificial flavor to it. In conclusion... Go get coffee, a cookie, and just chill to good jazz music. Oh and they help poor communities so there you go another reason to chip in.

  • Mofi Player

    Mofi Player



  • Jose Luis Matute

    Jose Luis Matute


    Wonderful coffee. Great tasted desert.

  • Tim Wall

    Tim Wall


    Great coffee for a good cause! The cafe had a low lit, relaxed shabby-chic modern look. The internet was a little slow, but still usable for work. There's a nice outdoor seating area too.

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