Aparthotel Guijarros i Tegucigalpa

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HondurasAparthotel Guijarros


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Tegucigalpa, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2235-3051
internet side: www.guijarros.com
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Latitude: 14.0943776, Longitude: -87.1768439

kommentar 5

  • Ana Karina Suazo

    Ana Karina Suazo


    Perfect get away. The pool is private, the food is great and the staff is super friendly. It's a great bed and breakfast. Totally recommend it. And the area is super safe.

  • en



    The staff was very friendly, although only one person spoke English. The rooms are very nice and the air conditioner worked, and the windows opened. You could drink the water from the tap in this hotel and that was a plus. The food is excellent but takes a little while because they cook it right then for you. They placed me on the 6th floor and there is no elevator in this hotel. So, I had 88 stairs to get to my room. To get to the pool added another 42. So to get back up to my room that was a hundred and twenty some stairs. You can imagine the stairs going to and from the pool, cafeteria Etc. The food service is from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., after that you have to order from Subway or Chili's or some takeout.

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    Jose Handal


    It's a pretty cozy boutique hotel. Good price. Excellent staff. Beds and rooms are clean. Location is great.

  • Divya Raithatha

    Divya Raithatha


    It's a very good places to stay in Tegucigalpa. It's in a very secured society. And it also has a security of its own. People mostly know only Spanish except for the receptionist who speaks English. The staff is very helpful and cooperative. The cook specially cooked vegetarian dish for me as she saw I did not eat anything from the buffet as all was non-vegetarian. The place is very very clean. The people are honest and hard-working. The appartment has washing machine and dryer for complementary use. The society around is good you can have a morning or evening walk there. I would like to stay here again.

  • Piero Gonzalez

    Piero Gonzalez


    Great location. Safe. High quality.

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