Toncontín International Airport i Tegucigalpa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HondurasToncontín International Airport


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Tegucigalpa, Col. 15 de Septiembre, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2234-2402
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.0604821, Longitude: -87.2193372

kommentar 5

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    One plane cracked into half today while landing. Very tough runway to land

  • Carlos Manuel Ortega Flores

    Carlos Manuel Ortega Flores


    I think am a Savage due to the experience of takeoff and landing, if you do not know God this is one of the best places where you will have a pray prior to landing. Airport is built in the middle of the city with several mountains around and that makes that only small and medium airplanes can land here and requires the best qualified pilots. The people that helps you with every service into the airport is a 4/5 nice, most of them will show you a happy face by saying you hello or have a great day! The airport is very small, less than 8 gates and with only one and short runway, one good thing of the airport is the easy access to/from anywhere of the city. Security is good there, the treatment for incoming people should improve, looks like sometimes they select random people to check their baggage, looks like they search for new and packed goods to apply surprise taxes to your things.

  • Anton lindström

    Anton lindström


    lovly place alot of planes!

  • Robert Clanton

    Robert Clanton


    I visited this country in 2015 around September and had a fantastic time. I preach my first International sermon in the dark because the power went out. Lydia's bed and breakfast was outstanding. I was always in the presence of warm and friendly. I would love to go back.

  • Franklin Paredes

    Franklin Paredes


    It is always an adventure to land in the Toncontin Airport. Very short runway in the very middle of the city and surrounded by mountains. It takes hi expertise and courage to land here... and a very tiny airplane

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