The Venue - Adventure Hostel, Bar and Grill i Utila

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HondurasThe Venue - Adventure Hostel, Bar and Grill


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Utila, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504
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Latitude: 16.0954588, Longitude: -86.9041112

kommentar 5

  • Tom Salu

    Tom Salu


    We did the night-time kayak through the lagoon! It was a lot of fun and the bioluminescence is incredible. Only downsides were 2 of us were given canoe ores instead of kayak paddles. Which meant we couldn't keep up with the group. Second, the guide wasn't very informative. He simply navigated us around in a circle. The chap at reception seemed much more knowledgeable, so him leading would have been much better.

  • Michael McGuire

    Michael McGuire


    Rented kayaks from the Venue. Staff were very friendly and helpful. From the Venue a canal that links the north and south side of the island can be reached. It cuts through 4 km of mangroves. Tight fit in some places but well worth the effort.

  • dan brown

    dan brown


    Good value and friendly owner ...just need to clean the outside

  • Carlos



    The venue is very wonderful hostal to sleep in utila

  • Katharina Wallace

    Katharina Wallace


    Awesome super chilled out place. The owners are lovely, the rooms are clean and the bar is great! Glad we came here :)

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