Pizza Hut i Choloma

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HondurasPizza Hut



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CA-13, Choloma, Choloma, HN Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2545-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.6103734, Longitude: -87.9561779

kommentar 5

  • Hared Meza

    Hared Meza


    Second bad experience... Came out kind of angry of this Pizza Hut, I was waiting my to-go order, the manager told me that in 15-20 minutes will be ready. There were just a few employees and most of them were distracted on a TV show, my order was ready more than 10 minutes ago on the counter and nobody said anything, I had to look for someone and ask if one box that I saw was mine, really bad service... A few weeks ago on lunch time one guy just took the order on the table, brought drinks and never came back, we left the restaurant.

  • Alexander Hermandez

    Alexander Hermandez



  • Marcio Elvir

    Marcio Elvir


    Good service, good taste

  • Alejandro Ceja

    Alejandro Ceja


    If you're a tourist expecting what you get at the states... You'll be disappointed.. people are great though.. not their fault

  • Sofia Maradiaga

    Sofia Maradiaga


    Make sure to arrive early, as the place gets crowded with people looking for lunch alternatives in town. Service often takes a while longer, especially for busy professionals trying to get back to work on time. Quality and the ambiance are overall good.

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