Paraiso Rainforest and Beach Hotel i Omoa

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HondurasParaiso Rainforest and Beach Hotel



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Carretera CA-13, Aldea El Paraiso, Omoa, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2630-5535
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.6949994, Longitude: -88.1124212

kommentar 5

  • Elvin Cruz

    Elvin Cruz


    Best hotel to stay in this area. Rules are follwed to ensure the quality and pleasure of guests. I spent 4 days in june and it was great. Me and my wife got away to be alone and our girls would come and visit us during the day. The manager and staff were very friendly. They were very patience with our girls for not wearing bikinis. This is a strict rule because of the filters of the pool. But they let me enjoy a bit of fun before saying something in a polite way. The food was awsome and the waterfall at Racawalla was breathtaking and the hike. Planing to visit again this year.

  • Jojo Rossi

    Jojo Rossi


    Beautiful place, delicious food, friendly staff. Will definitely come back here.

  • Vanessa Arita

    Vanessa Arita


    Beautiful place. Great rooms with AC, fan, TV, bathrooms with separate sink area, and delicious buffet breakfast featuring freshly made corn tortillas. Definitely makes honor to its name: corridors flanked with flower gardens which attract a variety of butterflies. There's an infinity pool overlooking the ocean and a private beach area for guests. Honeybees visit you during breakfast and poolside, so if you're allergic, make sure you have your pills or pen with you!

  • jason cranford

    jason cranford


    Love the hotel and pool. Be sure to go to Rawacala park which is right up the road in the foothills.

  • Bone Tactical

    Bone Tactical


    The place is really improved since they’ve redone it. The pool is amazing. It’s about the only nice hotel/beach/pool combo within an hour drive of San Pedro. The food is quality, service is good, the grounds are neat and clean. The prices are much higher than they should be. The rooms are nice and clean but tiny and you can hear everything that the people in the room next to you are doing. I gave it a 4 star rating because it’s the best in the immediate area. In Miami it would be a 1 star hotel for reference.

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