La Delphina Bed and Breakfast Bar and Grill Hotel i La Ceiba

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HondurasLa Delphina Bed and Breakfast Bar and Grill Hotel



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Aldea Granadita La Delphina st Granadita in front of Sambo Greek, La Ceiba 11101, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 9936-7715
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.7971518, Longitude: -86.6014668

kommentar 5

  • Wink



    This is the best place to stay in La Ceiba area. Simply love it. The food is great and the hammocks upstairs offers the best relaxing view. Owner is always there to accommodate your needs. Best place in the area!

  • Luis 'Jr' Aragon

    Luis 'Jr' Aragon


    Oh man! This place is so nice and feels like home. Is right in front of the beach, the sunsets are beautiful, it also has a mini bar with all kinds of drinks available (national beers were my favorite ones), food is pretty good (Food is made fresh every time you order, so waiting times tend to be a little long sometimes, but definitely worth it) and rooms are big, most importantly it has hot running water !Yay! I would highly recommend this place, Richard and the girls go above and beyond. I highly recommend getting a cold coconut.

  • David Ponce

    David Ponce


    Great experience! Great costumer service, great rooms and prices. Totally recommended!

  • Rusty Gilliam

    Rusty Gilliam


    You will not find a more welcoming place to stay in Honduras! La Delphina goes the extra mile to meet all of your needs. It is a fantastic place to stay on the beach in Honduras. Rooms are clean. Service is excellent. Food always exceeds our expectations! Thanks, Richard...We will definitely be back next year!

  • Claude Presley, Jr

    Claude Presley, Jr


    It stared out rough, but turned out quite nice. My wife and I really enjoyed the place. Richard and his helpers were rrally nice to us. We were there during the slow time and had the beach almost completely to ourselves. My wife was not ready to leave, but we will stay there again. Thanks Richard and give our blessings to our cook.

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