Hotel Real InterContinental Tegucigalpa i Tegucigalpa

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HondurasHotel Real InterContinental Tegucigalpa



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Avenida Roble, Frente al Mall Multiplaza, Tegucigalpa 2122, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2290-2700
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.088395, Longitude: -87.184979

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sonny Lacey


    Simply great. The staff is insanely good at getting to any task. They are personable, professional and superb. I cannot say to many good thoughts about these people.

  • Eric Xavier Leo Noro

    Eric Xavier Leo Noro


    Great hotel, worth every penny. Fantastic food, best location, and amazing staff

  • Sonny Lacey

    Sonny Lacey


    Wonderful and superb staff! They are extremely attentive and impeccable.

  • cesar meza

    cesar meza


    The hotel is ok and everything, but because of the lack of maintenance, I had an accident. I went into one of their bathrooms in the first floor it was flooded... I slipped banged my head in the floor and got 5 stitches, they never felt responsible nor wanted to help, the manager is an A hole.

  • en

    jake rdgez


    The staff provides an outstanding support for all of your needs. The breakfast server named Marlon goes out of his to serve you and mame you fill at home. The entire staff makes you feel at home. Great stay. Highly recomended.

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