Hotel Gualiqueme i Choluteca

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HondurasHotel Gualiqueme


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CA-1, Choluteca, Choluteca, HN Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2782-2750
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.3139227, Longitude: -87.1915682

kommentar 5

  • Celeste Mann

    Celeste Mann


    The outside was beautiful. The shower didn't work very well. A/C worked great. The restaurant didn't seem very clean. The juice containers at breakfast looked like they may have never been washed.

  • Jonathan Hooper

    Jonathan Hooper


    Really nice and beautiful hotel with great facilities and good food and drinks menu. Staff were excellent and the rooms really clean.

  • German Jimenez

    German Jimenez


    This hotel is full of highs and lows... A mixed bag. Rooms are spacious and beds are comfortable. There's a lot of green area to walk, and the food is fine. However, I found a spider roaming around my bed, which they took care of, the shower is not working properly, towels are old and kind of stained, maintenance in some areas is lagging behind, and the fitness area is broken. So, overall, a mixed bag.

  • Alexandra Ruiz

    Alexandra Ruiz


    Great place to stay! My favorite hotel in the world.

  • Lorena Z

    Lorena Z


    Swimming pool and pool bar and restaurant have the worst attention ever! The swimming pool is dirty, too much chlorine, tiles are missing from the swimmingpool floor. The changing rooms and bathrooms are absolutely disgusting at any time of day!! Now, the attention when you reserve a salon for an event, now that is impeccable! I highly recommend this hotel for hosting parties or even business meetings like the one I'm holding today. The bathrooms are neat, there's a waiting area, and the attention from the servers and staff is beyond amazing, they try to help you out with all you request (obviously if you ask nicely). Oh, it seems expensive, but it's actually very accessible.

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