Hotel Elvir i Santa Rosa de Copán

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HondurasHotel Elvir



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Avenida 3 SO, 41101, Santa Rosa de Copán, Santa Rosa de Copán, HN Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2662-0103
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Latitude: 14.7679808, Longitude: -88.780403

kommentar 5

  • Donna D

    Donna D


    Great service, pleasant staff, good meals

  • Luis Zelaya

    Luis Zelaya


    Nice room, affordable price.

  • Atma Khalsa

    Atma Khalsa


    Modest street view with wonderful interior ambiance. Colonial era design with beautiful central courtyard. Pleasant design with covered, open air hallways to rooms. Rooms were clean and spacious. Restaurant looks out onto courtyard and has speedy service. More (any?) Vegetarian options on menu would be preferable.

  • Adam Neuman

    Adam Neuman


    A very beautiful building. There are plenty of places to sit with good views. There's a turtle pit! Where you can just watch turtles crawl around and be awesome. The bellhops are very excited to help with your bags. They literally run to your room and can take care of your luggage in 1/4 the time you could. Also in Honduras you can't drink from the taps so they provide you with bottled water.

  • Ron Januchowski

    Ron Januchowski


    Nice location near the center of town. Very friendly and helpful staff. Room have decent accommodations. Free WiFi which works most of the time. Good place to stay in Western Honduras.

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