Hotel Don Moises i Copán Ruinas

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HondurasHotel Don Moises


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Calle De La Plaza, Copán Ruinas, Copn Ruinas, HN Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2651-4543
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Latitude: 14.8381978, Longitude: -89.1569106

kommentar 5

  • Gladys Daniela Rosales

    Gladys Daniela Rosales


    Nice/quiet place to stay in Copan Ruinas. Is 3 minutes away from the central park, there are diners near to it with very good food. We had such a good experience, this is place is great, super recommended.

  • Marek Walicki

    Marek Walicki


    Very nice place, but there was no electricity in whole city for to days.

  • siwelification



    Really friendly staff and adequate rooms. A nice place to spend a few days while visiting the Mayan Ruins. Make sure to check out the restaurant next door

  • Kseniya Gutman

    Kseniya Gutman


    Absolutely loved this hotel! Cool hammocks. I stayed in a room for 4 which guy very hot at night (August). Absolutely stunning view from the patio/roof and great hammocks. I also enjoyed the 10+ kids ages 3-16 + bunny roaming around the place. Nice bathrooms and showers but no bells and whistles (other than optical laundry service).

  • Burl Walker

    Burl Walker


    I have stayed at the Hotel Don Moises on two different occasions while travelling in Honduras. Both times Amada and her staff made me feel like family. The price is great! Rooms were clean, the shared kitchen was nice as were the wonderful conversations with other travelers on the rooftop in the evenings. They were very helpful in making my father, who speaks no Spanish, feel comfortable. I have booked another stay with them for my next trip down later this year. When in Copan Ruinas, they are my #1 choice every time. (And the previous reviewer is correct, the dot on google maps is way off base. They are more or less across the street from Via Via about two blocks off the main plaza in town.

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