Hospital De Occidente i Santa Rosa de Copan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HondurasHospital De Occidente



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Santa Rosa de Copan 41101, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 2662-0112
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.7687494, Longitude: -88.7847823

kommentar 5

  • Erick España

    Erick España


    Excelente atención.

  • Oleg Pineda

    Oleg Pineda


    Muy buena

  • Milton Méndez

    Milton Méndez


    Este hospital funciona con los pocos recursos que el Gobierno asigna, con lo poco que se tiene, se hacen milagros. Todo lo que tiene funciona bien, está abastecido, y se aprovechan los recursos al máximo.

  • glendy perez boostmobile

    glendy perez boostmobile


    My uncle just died there =[ i honestly dont trust these hospitals i have the feeling that they just dont care about ppl's life period. I dont want to be judging wrong but i feel this way ,the nurses ans doctors should care about ppl's life like if they were their parents ,but they see it as just a Job ! Just a freaking Job .

  • Luci Chacón

    Luci Chacón


    El peor hospital... donde la vida no vale nada .

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