Cervecería Artesanal los Llanos i Santa Rosa de Copan

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HondurasCervecería Artesanal los Llanos



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Santa Rosa de Copan 41101, Honduras
kontakter telefon: +504 9820-5227
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 14.7670742, Longitude: -88.7805427

kommentar 5

  • Geovanny Araque

    Geovanny Araque


    Worth the beers, a little pricey but they are good

  • Daniel Sanchez

    Daniel Sanchez


    Excelent service, excellent products, excellent entertainment. Soon a "must do" en SRC

  • Jorge Anariba

    Jorge Anariba


    Nice place. Beer was really good, a little too expensive to be honest, but quality deserves the 5 stars. Service needs to improve, as well as the atmosphere, music feels dull in a place with such a high potential. All in all, it deserves to become an obligatory stop when visiting Santa Rosa. Cheers!

  • Andrea Oyuela

    Andrea Oyuela


    What a nice little surprise on a 1-day stop in Santa Rosa de Copan. Service was excellent, beer was quite good; couldn’t find the place so called the number and owner was so helpful. Looking forward to our next visit!

  • Jacob Kalmakoff

    Jacob Kalmakoff


    What can I say. The craft beer revolution is reaching the beautiful Occidente of Honduras. Delicious beer being brewed here and only two months old, excited to see how their craft changes and matures. Felicidades!

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